Posts Tagged Elections

“Vote 1” But Who?!

“Man of the People”…. “No Party… just you”… “Real Capital, Real MEP”…”Peoples Issues are my Issues”… and on and on and on. The main and most important question is, who do you trust to deliver?

For the past few weeks I have been going around discussing with friends and colleagues about the elections. To my surprise, most are actually voting on the 5th. My predictions would have been a massive boycott on a National level.

Many Polls done by the media indicate that there certainly is a shift from the norm when it comes to choosing a Party, whether the Fianna Fail or Labour or any other, it is happening. what I realised is that most of the shifts are not due the lack or increase of confidence by certain Parties (maybe just one), it is the Candidates themselves. Not one person I asked “Which Party you are electing?” really cared about that, they all were banking on the candidates themselves. Sinn Fain supporters voting for Fainna Fail, Fine Gaels voting for Labour. It was truly a battle among the candidates.

This leads me to an answer for my first question. At last! Power IS in the hands of the people. People in Ireland do want to see actual change and this time they are looking deeper than just the Party sign posts or flyers they are reaching out searching for the OBAMAS of this Nation!

So best of luck to who ever wins and may we see the change every voter is wishing for…

Tomorrow I will be visiting the voting stations for a personal experience. What a sight that will be.

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